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Perinatal Mental Health 3 Day Course

April 28th- 29th and 30th Up to date knowledge for anyone providing perinatal MH care


Dr Alain Gregoire chairs three inspiring days of internationally renowned expert speakers (often known as 'The Winchester Course'), providing evidence-based, up to date and clinically relevant knowledge covering most areas of the NHSE Competency Framework and the Scottish Curricular Framework. Each live talk is followed by submitted questions from the audience and live answers. The course covers: a sophisticated understanding of the range, features and effects of perinatal MH problems on mums, children and partners across generations; crucial associated factors such as domestic violence; common myths and misunderstandings; clinical, research and lived experience perspectives; psychological interventions, use of medication and collaborative care. Suitable for any health and social care professional in adult or child mental health, including mental health nurses, psychologists, IAPT practitioners, psychiatrists, mental health social workers, child social workers; midwives, obstetricians, GPs and health visitors with a special interest in perinatal mental health; all clinicians and managers involved in specialist perinatal mental health services.

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